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Tips For Adopting A Shelter Pet

April 15, 2023

April 30th is Adopt A Shelter Pet Day. This is a wonderful cause, and one we are happy to shed light on. If you’re considering giving a sweet homeless dog or cat a second chance, you’ll definitely find plenty of adorable furry faces to choose from at a shelter. An Apple Valley, MN vet offers some helpful tips on adopting a shelter pet in this article. 

Be Prepared To Commit

One of the saddest things we sometimes see on social media are stories of shelter pets that were adopted and then brought back. This can be extremely traumatic for the pet. While we know that sometimes things just don’t work out, returning Fluffy and Fido should be a last resort. Adoption is forever!

Introduce  Yourself 

Before signing those papers, spend some time with your new furry friend. It’s important to get an idea of their personality, so you can be sure that you’re picking the right pet for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! While sometimes the shelter may not have much—or any—information about a dog or cat’s prior life, that isn’t always the case. They may be able to offer helpful background information.

Let Love Lead 

Sometimes people know exactly what type of pet they want. There’s nothing wrong with that! If you have your heart set on getting a black and white cat, then by all means adopt that cute tuxie you saw online. However, don’t automatically pass by that sad deaf dog or the kitty with one ear. Sometimes the less-adoptable pets turn out to be the best animal companions!

Get Ready 

Have everything ready and waiting for your furry friend before the big day. Your shopping list should include bedding, food, toys, treats, grooming supplies, and dishes. We also recommend getting a pet first-aid kit. Fluffy will need a litterbox, litter, and some form of scratching post. Fido’s should have a good leash, a collar, and a crate. Some of these things should be purchased according to your pet’s age or size, so don’t shop until you’ve met your new buddy. Ask your vet for recommendations. Speaking of vets, one of the first things you’ll want to do is make an appointment. We love meeting new patients! 

As your Apple Valley, MN animal clinic, we are dedicated to providing top-notch veterinary care. Please feel free to contact us anytime! 

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