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Keeping Kitty Cool

July 1, 2023

As we head into the hottest months of the year, it becomes absolutely critical to make sure your kitty stays safe and comfy. Cats have a hard time coping with hot weather! After all, Fluffy does have a fur coat on, and she doesn’t have many options for cooling herself down if she overheats. A local Burnsville, MN vet offers some tips on how to do this in this article.


Keeping your kitty properly hydrated is crucial to helping her beat the heat. You may want to set out extra water stations, especially if you have more than one pet and/or a large house.


Our feline pals are very good about keeping up with their beauty care needs. However, Fluffy will need some help in this area. Brushing your furry friend regularly will help keep things like dust and dead fur out of her coat. This won’t just keep Fluffy looking nice: it will also help her stay cooler.

Cool Beds

Your furball is probably going to spend 99.9 percent of her summer napping. Make this a bit more pleasant for her. Put a frozen towel in her bed, or point a fan over it. You can also make her a hammock bed to doze off in.

Keep Kitty In

Summer is a particularly dangerous time for kitties. Not only are many wild animals and parasites out and about, there is also a greater chance of your furry buddy coming into contact with dangerous chemicals, such as lawn/garden chemicals. Keep Fluffy inside!

Let Cats Get Comfortable

Fluffy is very, very good at making herself comfy. Give your kitty free access to all the safe areas in your house. Don’t be surprised if Fluffy sprawls out in the middle of the kitchen floor. Tile stays cool, so that’s going to be pretty comfortable. (Our feline buddies also have a knack for getting in the way, but that’s another topic.) 

Cold Snacks

Who doesn’t enjoy a cold snack in summer? You can get ice cream made just for Fluffy. Your furry little friend may also appreciate some chilled sodium-free broth. Another option is to get soft treats, such as a mousse or lickable treat, and keep that in the fridge or freezer. Just stick with safe options.

As your Burnsville, MN veterinary clinic, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care. Please contact us anytime!

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